Digital transformation

When COVID-19 spread over the world, the possibility of having real-time information at our fingertips is what enabled teams to keep working with the same if not a higher speed. Over the next couple of years, companies are expected to start thinking about the recovery of their activities and building up the necessary strength to withstand a future crises. Digitalisation will play a leading part in this process.


The impact of COVID-19 on machine manufacturing

The question now is, are Dutch machine manufacturers able to put through a digital transformation? To gain insight in this question, ICT Group carried out an exploring benchmark study among leading Dutch machine manufacturers. This study investigated the adoption of digitalisation by machine manufacturers over the last couple of years, the different technologies they used for this, and to what extent the pandemic affected their digitalisation process. Leave your details and receive the white paper for free.

The report answers the following questions:

  • To what extent has the current level of digitalisation ensured a stable time during the crisis?
  • To what extent has the pandemic affected machine builders' perceptions of digital transformation?
  • Has the pandemic caused a shift in the objectives of machine builders?
  • How familiar are machine builders with various technologies?
  • What plans do machine builders have regarding digitalisation? 

More information?

Please contact Marco Boeve.

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Marco Boeve